Monday, October 27, 2014

Music Video

I chose to do the music video of Waves by Mr. Probz, Robun Schulz remix. I picked this because one, I love this song, and the other I've never seen the music video so I thought it would be cool to choose this. The music video is basically him stuck on an island and it starts flashing back to the vacation he was just on with his girlfriend, and this vacation lead him to be stuck on the island. The longest shot in the video was 7 seconds long. That particular shot was him walking and he looks over and he "sees" his girlfriend walking along side of him, but once he passes a tree she isn't really there and its all in his imagination.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Born into Coal

I thought that Born into Coal was definitely more of a human interest documentary more than a standard narrative. I think it fits human interest more because it was following these families around and they were telling their stories about what it is like to have their husbands/dads as coal miners. They stressed their concerns and emotions about the coal mining industries and how it affects them. I think it is human interest too because it makes people want to listen more because it has emotion and these families experiences. One shot that caught my mind that I liked was when they first introduced Arianna's dad. I liked how he was just standing there in front of the mine, and then it zoomed in close on his face. His face was dirty, and then it showed his hands and they were also dirty with dirt under his fingernails. I chose this shot specifically because it just showed how hard this job could be, he looked exhausted and it made you think what him and his family must go through. This shot works for the bigger context of the film because you see his emotion on his face, the exhaustion and hard work that goes into this job and it is trying to raise awareness and I think it did so. I think this is definitely a shot my group and I could re-create. We could show how much hard work is actually put into eventing and how much hard work goes into being the rider too.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Group Contract

Shelby: (Citation, and email). Shelby will write down all sources from interviews to if things were taken from the internet to be later written down as cited. She will also be communicating with the group members over email if we have to upload something from all to see, or just another way of getting in touch.

Kaelyn: (Storyboard, and interviewer (scripting)). Kaelyn will make sure our documentary goes smoothly by having a storyboard saying what's going to come next, and she will also be in charge of setting up whats going to be said in the interviews so that goes smoothly as well.

Najwa: (Interview, and group coordinator). Najwa will be the one who actually speaks to the person being interviewed, and she will also be in charge of getting the group together and talking about our project.

Ben: (Filming, editing, and file storage). Ben will be in charge of the filming like the camera, because he has access to all that. He will also be in charge of the editing process like getting us all to meet up and discuss what edits fit best for our documentary, and lastly, he will be doing things that have to do with file storage because he's good at making sure we don't get our files lost and he has a flash drive etc.

Death Penalty

The death penalty is such a huge contraversial topic where everyone has a different opinion on. When I think about the death penalty, I still don't know how I feel because thinking about it is sad, but then sometimes you think that they deserved it considering what they did. If I was in their shoes knowing that I would die later, I would be so shaken up and scared. In the project No Seconds, I liked how there was a contrast between what we see and what we know happened to them. I thought it was almost creepy that when you looked at the food being served it looked good and happy, but you know that it is going to someone who is about to be executed. I also thought it added something a little more with the fact that what they did to be put on death row was added in the text. I think Henry Hargreaves point was to show this delicious looking food and put us in their position, and then knowing that they will die after this. For the Last Meals Project, I liked how the mug shot of the person was in the background, and how it was blurred because it made it more personal. But, also them being blurred made it not the first thing you looked at, you looked at the crumpled paper with the information on it, and then what they had to eat. Overall, I liked No Seconds better because the meaning to me stood out more, it was sinister, and it made me think about it more.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


First things first, I hate listening to myself talk in a video or anything like that. I think I sound so weird, but I didn't think that this one was all that bad. I was surprised that my voice wasn't shaking because usually when I give speeches I get so nervous to the point where I have to stop and take a breathe because I forgot to breath. I was also surprised that I moved around, because usually I'm awkward and wouldn't move. I try to give myself pep talks that no one cares that you're talking, and no one knows what is true and what isn't. If you act like you know it, then your audience will believe so too. I think what I did badly, was that I didn't scan people and look them in the eyes for a couple of seconds, I felt that I looked more towards the ceiling. My presentation went better than I thought and I thought it went better than I expected, and I was happy that I didn't shake, stand still, and I didn't think I played with my hair too much either. Doing this speech and seeing how well it went for me personally, makes me feel better about giving speeches in the future. Now that I know I can do it and make it work, makes me less afraid or nervous to give one.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Rise of the NBA Nerd

In the article "The Rise of the NBA Nerd", by Wesley Morris he talks about a lot of different things that made it a little harder to catch onto the major point that Morris may have been trying to get across. I personally think that Morris' main point was to say that things have drastically changed over the years. Dressing nice was once looked at as being nerdy and was an open invitation to being bullied, as he gave an example of Carlton Banks from the "Fresh Prince of Bell-Air". Carlton was constantly picked on by Will because he was "such a nerd" because he was smart and they way he dressed. But, like Wesley stated, Will actually learned a lot from Carlton. I think Wesley was saying that dressing nice especially for African Americans was looked at funny since people thought of them as not having money, and it was almost like a culture shock when Carlton played this part. He's trying to tell us that the black culture is so stereotyped and we see what we've heard it to be, so it abnormal for us to see a tie incorporated into the wardrobe. These NBA players are showing that they are successful and they can dress successful and professional too. Everyone looks at them as these basketball players and only see them in their uniform, but they can be professional too and look sophisticated. What we wear can have a huge affect on society in our lives. Even for me, I've noticed it. On the first day of college, people talked about if you dressed up for class you would get looked at weird. What we wear tells a lot about who we are or what we may be feeling that day. We have accusations about people's clothes all the time. I am a firm believer that what we wear can have an argument, but I don't think that it's right always. Someone who wears nicer things isn't necessarily always rich and someone who does not dress up doesn't mean they are poor or any less educated as someone who does.