Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Reflection Essay

Reflection Essay
I’ve always loved english so much, it has been one of my all-time favorite classes. I just have always easily understood it and it comes easy to me, unlike other subjects like math. When I picked this course I was really excited and throughout the class I really enjoyed it and it was different than any other english class I have taken. When we got told we had to make a documentary, not going to lie I was kind of mad, but it turned out that I actually really liked it. I had a lot of fun making the video with my group and learning about our topic. My biggest struggle during this project was probably making sure we had enough good footage to complete the requirements. Finding enough people to interview, and definitely finding times and ways to get out and go shoot, especially where they trained was kind of far away. Thankfully, we made it work and go through it! 
The aspect of the documentary that makes me most proud was just how the video played out together, and how to footage looked when it was all put together. I thought that it looked better than I expected. It looked smooth and put together, and I really liked how the music fitted right in with what was happening on the screen. Something that I might have changed in the documentary, would be to have gotten different footage of the horses and the riders. I would of loved to go to an actual meet or competition and see how that is, but unfortunately we could not and we had to work with what we had.
During this project I was personally responsible for the citations and emailing (contacting each other). Citing meant I had to cite who we talked to, things like that. Group work is probably one of the most stressful things, you have to make sure everyone is doing their work and that you are not working alone. To promote a healthy group atmosphere I tried to just stay calm during situations that could be frustrating, and I tried to be positive and say that we could do this and make the documentary great. I wish that I could of been more apart of the editing process, a thought we all chipped in, it would of been cool to see how to do it, and all the different things we could of done with the edits. I do feel like I contributed a fair amount to this project!
This course definitely helped me on my critical thinking skills, this course made me realize that you can look more deeply into things. A reading in the class that stuck out to me would be the naked celebrity leaks because there were so many different opinions on it and it really made you think. The project did not really make me think about the campus differently besides the fact that I did not know how many different clubs there were. Something that we did in class that I was dreading was the public speaking. I have always hated it, but the speech that I gave made me more confident because I actually did really good. It made me realize to not be afraid to do it. I really enjoyed learning about different styles of communication function, I would rather be doing what we did than writing essays.

I thought that your style was helpful because it was different and I do not think we had that before and it really made you think and work. I would not have wanted to sit and listen to lectures, your way made it easy and fun to come to class, I actually wanted to come to this class. Everything that was done I really liked and would not have changed it. Something I would do to make the class better and to change one thing about the course would obviously be the participation grade because I hate talking in front of people like I said, and I hated raising me hand and most of the time I would forget and that really affected me. Besides that, I really loved this class and would recommend it to anyone.